Amid fanfare from consumer advocates,

Amid fanfare from consumer advocates, the federal do not call list was put in place nearly a decade ago as a tool to limit telemarketing sales calls to people who didn’t want to be bothered. The registry has more than 209 million phone numbers on it....

to six months, however.

Even though many modern brides don’t even bother asking for china figuring they’ll never do enough formal entertaining to get enough use out of it traditions can die hard. And you may be expected to buy friends and family a dinner plate or two in the near...

However, Copernico Maxit notes the t

However, Copernico Maxit notes the tide has already started to turn. He market has become more crowded. I won say it is totally congested today, but there is a lot more traffic than there used to be.Nevertheless, Copernico still chooses to avoid the trades likely to...

The stuff donated at the donation centre

The stuff donated at the donation centre is still carted and weighed and the non profit partner is still paid for it. This works for the non profit, because their income is consistent and guaranteed, and they do not have the highs and lows that come with running...

Uhhh, what does that mean? Promoting

Uhhh, what does that mean? Promoting? That makes it sound like one’s sexual orientation is a choice. That’s so hilarious and stupid that it doesn’t deserve a response. It’s like the phrase «gay lifestyle.» Dunno what that means either. AND THEN...

It was the final day of a two month

It was the final day of a two month trip to Europe. I was in London, and with all of my work behind me, I had the freedom to do whatever I wanted. So I decided to test my five free London audio tours in a citywide blitz spanning two neighborhoods, one church, and two...

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