I bought some playing

«I bought some playing cards for my grandchildren,» said Williamson. «They cost a dollar. It keeps them busy when I cooking supper.»During tight economic times, people budgets are spread thin. As a file is passed along, different people make changes, according to...

like our tired tourist

We, like our tired tourist brethren expostulating in tongues at the inanity of what makes these things work, are getting cranky. Looking over my shoulder and hoping there are no webcams or patrolling gym teachers, I kick my locker. It closes, hurrah. By May 1923 the...

partial natural hedge

«By producing wine in the United States, Concha y Toro is acquiring a partial natural hedge, and given its expertise in export markets in Europe and Asia, should be able to expand Fetzer reach to the rest of the world,» wrote Deutsche Bank analysts. Had been eroded by...

would have still come

Even if I’d had the health insurance plan I mentioned above back when the accident happened, that entire cost would have still come out of my own pocket. And since I didn’t see the doctor for the rest of the year or hurt myself bad enough to go to a...

It is with

It is with that very arancini that I begin the meal, along with a salad of peas, beans and pancetta, and a mozzarella plate. Paired with our choice of marinated artichokes, smoked and roasted tomatoes, culatello, prosciutto and salami, my mozzarella selection includes...

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